More than just a speech

The GIRON Group's success and its future are based on a voluntary approach and commitments to social and environmental responsibility. 

Our aim is to promote the deployment of CSR and sustainable development principles among our employees, suppliers and subcontractors, as well as our customers, based on a commitment to continuous improvement.

Since our foundation in 1924, we have been working to earn the trust of our employees, partners, customers and any other stakeholder in our environment, leading to Giron's reputation today.

Many internal and external initiatives have been in place for a number of years to raise awareness among all our employees of the need to protect the environment. three main pillars of CSR :

  • Environnement : Reducing our carbon footprint, developing ecological solutions and promoting the circular economy.
  • Social : Providing a quality working environment, promoting diversity and supporting local communities.
  • Economy : Ensuring sustainable growth, creating value for our customers and contributing to a better future with our patents and labels.

Where does the term sustainable development come from?

The term développement durable is rooted in the field of silviculture, where it referred to the practice of taking no more forest resources than naturally regrow. This approach was then broadened and applied to other fields, giving rise to a more global definition.

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

some CSR actions implemented by the company

Solar panel installation in 2024 which allows you to reduce your carbon footprint by producing your own electricity from a renewable energy source.

Recycling screenings with an artist association: Giron is giving its waste a second life by working with David to create works of art from screenings. This reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill and promotes sustainable art.

Working on energy management to reduce energy consumption, such as optimising lighting and heating/cooling systems, and managing machine start-up and shut-down.

Waste recycling with Ressort EBE and Lostis, to recycle its wooden pallets, thereby reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill and supporting a work-integration enterprise. 80% of our waste is recycled, and we are still working on our HIW.

Working with Deastance, an adapted company, to write articles that support the professional inclusion of people with disabilities.

Partnership with Jazzellerault.

Partnership with 205 Rallye : Giron supports a team in the 205 Rally, a motor sport event, which helps to promote the company and raise its profile.

Partnership with the artisans' market: Giron collaborates with the local artisans' market to promote local crafts and products.

Partnership with Art en Vrac : Giron supports Art en Vrac, an association that promotes contemporary art.

Partnership with Rallye des Amazones : Giron is supporting a team in the Rallye des Amazones, a women's car raid, which helps to promote the company and support women in sport.

Sponsorship with ENSAP for their Archi en Folie project for the 2024 Olympic Games: a school of architecture that is organising architectural events as part of the 2024 Olympic Games.

Installation of beehives on company property - harvesting of honey and distribution to all employees: Giron installs beehives on its site to promote biodiversity and produce honey which is then distributed to employees.

Planting new shrubs : Giron plants new shrubs of various species on its site to promote biodiversity and create a more pleasant environment for its employees.

Corporate sports with a table tennis team for a corporate championship and participation in the Grand Poitiers inter-company challenges: Giron encourages corporate sports by organizing a table tennis team and participating in inter-company sports challenges.

These CSR actions demonstrate Giron's commitment to sustainable development an corporate social responsibility.The company is involved in a variety of initiatives aimed at reducing its environmental impact, supporting local communities and promoting the well-being of its employees.

Dans le cadre de notre engagement en faveur de l’environnement, GIRON a réalisé son Bilan Émissions Gaz à Effet de Serre (BEGES) 2022. Cet outil nous permet d’évaluer précisément notre empreinte carbone et de mettre en place des actions concrètes pour réduire nos émissions.

En choisissant la transparence, nous souhaitons vous montrer notre volonté de progresser vers un modèle économique plus durable. Le BEGES est pour nous un levier d’amélioration continue, nous permettant de :

  • Mieux comprendre notre impact : En analysant nos émissions de gaz à effet de serre, nous identifions les leviers d’action les plus pertinents.
  • Innover pour réduire notre empreinte : Le BEGES nous encourage à développer de nouvelles solutions pour limiter notre impact environnemental.
  • Agir en responsabilité : Nous prenons nos responsabilités en matière de lutte contre le changement climatique et contribuons à un avenir plus durable.

Découvrez ici notre bilan BEGES 2022, selon la répartition des émissions par poste d’émission. 

Répartition des émissions par poste d'émission - Giron