These screens consist of a welded mesh of steel bars. The upper surface, in contact with the product to be screened, is always installed parallel to the direction of material flow.
They are generally intended for screening of low-abrasive materialsThis is due to the low carbon content and low work-hardening properties of the steels used.
Steel grades and bar shapes can be varied to suit the application. The permeability (void percentage) of these meshes is superior to those obtained with perforated sheets or synthetic meshes. Rectangular meshes of any size are also available on request.
We strongly advise you to manufacture these fabrics according to the receiving frame, in order to optimize the passing surface and ensure the protection of crossmembers and supports.
GIRON offers a wide range of mesh sizes (W) to meet the needs of its customers.
Standard range: (for other dimensions, please consult us)
- Mesh size: 5 mm ≤ W ≤ 150 mm
- Wire: 3 mm ≤ Ø ≤ 25 mm
- Maximum dimensions: 1500 mm x 3000 mm

Scaldur canvas
SCALDUR fabric, made fromspecial steels with manganese, is designed to receive coarse grain sizes as for scalping.
Abrasion-resistant, it can also withstand heavy loads and stands out from other screening solutions thanks to its flow capacity significantly higher than with perforated sheets or synthetic fabrics.
These cloths are made of 16 mm or 20 mm diameter cylindrical bars welded onto 25×12 rectangular section profiles. The round bars are always installed on the upper side and in the direction of material flow.
The SCALDUR screen cloth is systematically designed according to the screen media and mesh size to achieve maximum screening efficiency. At the same time, it enables relieve crushers due to less recycling, resulting in savings in wear and energy.
GIRON offers a wide range of mesh sizes (W) to meet the needs of its customers.
Standard range: (for other dimensions, please consult us)
- Mesh size: 40 mm ≤ W ≤ 150 mm
- Round: 16 mm / 20 mm